dennis p lee

fishery scientist, fly tier, author

assorted fly boxes

Assorted Fly Box Collections For Sale

For your convenience, I have assembled several fly box collections which have assorted steelhead flies for your favorite fishing style or time of year to make your fly box selection and purchase easier. Each collection includes up to one dozen flies of known effective patterns, while some include new and unique patterns that have proven to be successful for steelhead.

Collections are shipped USPS postage paid (Continental USA only) in a metal box with a transparent lid and flat cork insert, while the Intruder Collection is shipped in a compartmented plastic box for easy storage and carrying on the river.

You can purchase fly box selections in any quantity – Please remember when ordering flies they may differ from photo due to availability of materials and hooks. Substitutions will be at the discretion of Dennis at an equal or greater value.

These Assorted Fly Box Collections make great gifts!

Use the dropdown menu below to select specific fly boxes of your choice. You can increase the quantity in your shopping cart.

Special Steelhead Fly Box Collections
Assorted Fly Box Collections
Spey Fly Box Collection

Spey Fly Collection

A total of 8 flies in this collection, two each Black Magic, Purple Place, and Strawberry Lemonade original Spey patterns, and two each of the classic Carron Spey pattern. These flies are tied in traditional Spey style with tinsel wrapped sparse bodies, flowing body hackles and paired bronzed Mallard wings. All flies are tied on Daiichi Alex Jackson Spey size 1.5 black finished hooks.

Black Magic Fly
Black Magic
Purple Place
Purple Place
Strawberry Lemonade
Strawberry Lemonade
Steelhead Feather Wing Collection

Steelhead Feather Wing Collection

A total of nine steelhead assorted flies in this collection, three each of the Hilton Heron, Glasso’s Orange Heron and Winter Blues tied in classic Pacific North West feather wing style with flowing body hackles. These patterns were highlighted in our limited-edition book California Winter Steelhead, Life History and Fly Fishing. All flies are tied on Daiichi Alex Jackson size 1.5 black finish hooks.

Hilton Heron
Orange Heron
Orange Heron
Winter Blues
Winter Blues
Foam Waker Collection Box

Steelhead Foam Waker Collection

One dozen foam steelhead waking patterns including 3 each black and blue Pom Skaters, 3 each Deer Hair Wakers, 3 each Brown and Orange Wakers and 3 each Black Wakers. Excellent waking and skating patterns that stay on the surface. These steelhead assorted flies are tied on appropriate size and style hooks.

Black and Blue Pom Skater
Black & Blue Pom Skater
Black Waker
Brown and Orange Waker
Brown & Orange Waker
Deer Hair Waker
Deer Hair Waker
Bead Head Fly Box

Bead Head Collection

One dozen flies including 4 each Copper, Gold, and Silver Herniator variations in the most popular hook sizes for half-pounder and adult summer steelhead. The patterns are great for nymphing or traditional swing methods.

Copper Herniator Fly
Copper Herniator
Gold Herniator Fly
Gold Herniator
Silver Herniator
Silver Herniator
Soft Hackle Fly Box

Steelhead Soft Hackle Collection

Sixteen soft-hackle flies including 4 each Partridge/Orange, Yellow/Grouse, Teal/Olive and Black/Black in smaller hook sizes and styles appropriate for half-pounder and adult steelhead. Excellent for low water periods.

Partridge/Orange Fly
Yellow Grouse Fly
Yellow Grouse
Teal/Olive Fly
Black/Black Fly
Muddler Minnow Fly Box

Steelhead Muddler Minnow Collection

One dozen Steelhead Muddler Minnow flies in several different hook sizes appropriate for steelhead. Our Steelhead Muddler Minnows are tied with less hair in the head that makes for easier casting and have great action. This pattern remains one of the most productive steelhead patterns fished with a floating line

Muddler Minnow Fly
Muddler Minnow
Muddler Minnow - Sm Fly
Muddler Minnow - Small

Summer Steelhead Collection

One dozen flies including 3 each Purple Flash, Blue Flash, Cat's Ass and Perryman's Jefferson Starship pattern in the most popular hook sizes and styles appropriate for summer steelhead. Each of these are unique patterns not available in retail stores.

Purple Flash Fly
Purple Flash
Blue Flash Fly
Blue Flash
Cat's Ass Fly
Cat's Ass
Jefferson Starship Fly
Jefferson Starship
Steelhead Waking & Skating Fly Box

Steelhead Waking and Skating Collection

Includes 6 Greased Liner (3 black and 3 insect yellow) and 6 Steelhead October Caddis flies in sizes and styles appropriate for waking and skating for summer steelhead.

Greased Liner Black Fly
Greased Liner Black
Greased Liner Yellow Fly
Greased Liner Yellow
October Caddis Fly
October Caddis
Winter Steelhead Fly Box

Winter Steelhead Collection

One dozen flies including 3 each Fall Favorite, Polar Shrimp, Skykomish Sunrise, and Winter's Hope. This collection of bright patterns are standards for winter steelhead fly fishing and are tied in the most popular hook sizes and styles.

Fall Favorite Fly
Fall Favorite
Polar Shrimp Fly
Polar Shrimp
Skykomish Sunrise Fly
Skykomish Sunrise
Winter's Hope Fly
Winter's Hope
Comet Fly Box

Comet Collection

One dozen flies including 3 each Gold Comet, Orange Comet, Blue Comet and Boss. These flies are tied in the traditional style with long tails and bead chain eyes; and are tied in the most popular hook sizes and styles for winter steelhead. These patterns are also efective flies for fall Chinook salmon in California and Southern Oregon tidewater areas.

Orange Comet Fly
Orange Comet
Gold Comet Fly
Gold Comet
Blue Comet Fly
Blue Comet
Boss Fly
Intruder Fly Box

Intruder Collection

Ten Intruder style flies including 2 each Black and Grizzly, Black and Orange, Blue, Purple, and Pink. These flies are tied on a 35 mm long heavy duty stainless steel shank with a No. 2 short shank hook attached with 7-strand stainless steel plastic coated wire. Total length of each fly is about 2 1/2 to 3 inches. Flies are weighted with silver or gold non toxic metal eyes. The selection comes packed in a 5 compartment plastic box, great for storage and carry on the river.

Black & Grizzly Fly
Black & Grizzly
Black & Orange Fly
Black & Orange
Blue Intruder Fly
Blue Intruder
Purple Intruder Fly
Purple Intruder
Pink Intruder Fly
Pink Intruder